How to store sealing additive agent?

2024-06-20 15:30

As one of the key links in the surface treatment of aluminum products, the storage method of sealing additive agent directly affects the quality and performance of the product. However, for many consumers and industry practitioners, there is still some confusion about how to properly store sealing additive agent. Today, we will explore in depth the correct storage method of sealing agent, provide practical guidance and suggestions for consumers and the industry, and help everyone better maintain the quality and performance of the product.

sealing additive agent

1. Characteristics and storage requirements of sealing additive agent

Sealing additive agent is usually a liquid or powdered chemical substance with certain chemical activity and sensitivity. Correct storage can extend the service life of the sealing agent and maintain its performance stability.

The following are the general characteristics and storage requirements of sealing additive agent:

Light protection: Sealing additive agent is sensitive to light and is prone to photolysis or decomposition. Therefore, it should be avoided from direct exposure to sunlight or strong light and stored in a cool and dry environment.

Sealing: Sealing additive agent is easily affected by moisture and oxygen in the air, and is prone to solidification, agglomeration or failure. Therefore, the container should be sealed as soon as possible after use to reduce contact with air.

Stability: The stability of sealing agent is greatly affected by temperature. Generally, it should be stored at room temperature and avoid high or low temperature environment to avoid affecting its performance and stability.

Keep away from fire sources: Some sealing additive agents are flammable or volatile, which are prone to fire or volatilization of toxic gases. Therefore, they should be kept away from fire sources and high temperature places.

2. Storage containers and methods of sealing agent

The correct selection of storage containers and storage methods is also crucial to maintaining the quality and performance of sealing additive agents:

Choose suitable containers: Generally speaking, sealing additive agents should be stored in original sealed containers, and avoid using containers that are easily affected by moisture or oxidation, such as iron barrels, plastic barrels, etc.

Store in a cool and dry place: Sealing additive agents should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, away from humid and high temperature environments, to avoid moisture or agglomeration.

Avoid stacking and mixing: Different types of sealing additive agents should be stored separately to avoid mutual contamination or chemical reactions, and avoid mixed storage with other chemicals.

sealing agent

3. Regular inspection and maintenance

In order to ensure the quality and performance of the sealing additive agent, it is recommended to regularly inspect and maintain the storage environment and container:

Regular inspection: Regularly inspect the storage environment and container of the sealing additive agent to ensure that the environment is dry, well ventilated, and the container is well sealed to avoid leakage or contamination.

Maintenance measures: If the sealing agent storage container is found to be damaged or leaking, it should be replaced or repaired in time to ensure that the storage environment of the sealing additive agent is safe and reliable.

4. Practical application cases

In practical applications, many industries such as aerospace, automobiles, and construction need to use sealing additive agents for aluminum surface treatment. Reasonable storage methods can not only extend the service life of the sealing additive agent, but also ensure the quality and performance of the product, improve production efficiency and cost control.


In summary, the correct storage method is a key step to ensure the quality and performance of the sealing additive agent. When using sealing agents, consumers and industries should pay attention to the selection of storage environment and containers, conduct regular inspections and maintenance, and ensure that the sealing additive agent is always in a good storage state to ensure the stability and reliability of product quality and performance.

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