How to choose the sealing additive agent that suits your needs?

2024-02-23 15:30

With the wide application of sealing additive agents in the field of metal surface treatment, how to choose the sealing additive agent that suits your own needs has become the focus of the industry. This article will delve into this issue and provide a clear selection guide for enterprises.

1. Classification of sealing additive agents: Understand the characteristics of different types

First, we need to understand the classification and characteristics of sealing additive agents. Different types of sealing agents differ in terms of anti-corrosion, hardness, and wear resistance. A detailed understanding of the characteristics of various sealing agents will help you make wise choices based on actual needs.

2. Product performance analysis: clarify the performance indicators corresponding to the requirements

When selecting sealing agent, it is necessary to clarify the required performance indicators of the product. Are you pursuing higher corrosion resistance? Or do you want to improve hardness and wear resistance? By understanding the performance indicators of different sealing additive agents, you can choose products that suit your needs in a targeted manner.

sealing additive agent

3. Applicable material research: consider the compatibility between the sealing additive agent and the base material

The compatibility of the sealing additive agent with the substrate is critical to product quality. When selecting, consider whether the sealing additive agent is compatible with the base material to avoid adverse reactions that affect product performance. Conduct in-depth research on the interaction between different materials and select sealing additive agents with better compatibility.

4. Experimental verification: conduct small-scale tests before selection

Before formally selecting the sealing agent, conducting a small-scale test is an essential step. Through experimental verification, we can intuitively understand the performance of sealing additive agents under specific conditions, providing practical basis for final selection.

sealing additive

5. Industry experience sharing: learn from the successful experiences of peers

Accumulating experience is an efficient way to learn. Understanding the successful experiences and lessons learned by companies in the same industry in selecting sealing additive agents can provide valuable reference for your own selection. Industry exchanges and sharing of experiences are effective ways to promote technological progress.

6. Cost-benefit analysis: weighing the balance between price and performance

The choice of sealing additive agent is not only related to performance, but also needs to consider cost-effectiveness. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis before selection, comprehensively consider price, performance and long-term use costs to find the most cost-effective sealing agent.

additive agent

7. Review of eco-friendliness: focus on environmentally friendly sealing agents

As society's awareness of environmental protection increases, choosing an eco-friendly sealing additive agent has become an important consideration. Paying attention to the environmental protection indicators of products and choosing sealing additive agents that have less impact on the environment not only contributes to the corporate image, but also conforms to the concept of sustainable development.

8. Customized services: Find suppliers who can provide personalized solutions

Finally, choose a supplier that can provide customized services. Through in-depth communication with suppliers, personalized solutions can be obtained to meet the specific needs of enterprises. Customized services help maximize the advantages of sealing additive agents.


When choosing a sealing additive agent that suits your needs, you must comprehensively consider factors such as product performance, material compatibility, cost-effectiveness, and environmental protection. Through rational analysis and practical experience, companies can better select the sealing agent that is most beneficial to their products and contribute to the development of the metal surface treatment field.

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